
It would spice up a marriage couple?

Nice to see you again, Chad!
I was waiting for you long time since I knew you are coming back in "Brothers & Sisters" S3. ;)

Kevin and Scotty are one of my favourite TV's gay couple! They are perfect for each other and seem always happy besides when they are not in Walker family trobles. Okay. In the show, there should be something happened for making story line intriguing which means always someone who is one of great Walker family in a troble. Before Kevin and Scotty got marrige there were many different romances and sweet moments, however we NOW can't see them making love even lovely kiss each other any often otherwise they interrupt by someone. Guess who, Sarah? :(
I love to see Kevin and Scotty on screen even in solo, but if they are showing us their love would be better and that is what I want. ;D (who agree with me?) Yep, I am a bit bored the show now...it is a shame...but maybe not only me!!


Then, Chad finally appeared in Kevin's sight and he gave Kevin a huge passionate kiss in public. It was so hot! ;)
Kevin was quite navious to tell that Chad invites going out with three of them together to Scotty, because it reminds Kevin how the thing was going with his ex Jason.
Kevin, honestly I was looking forward an love triangle which would be fun for me and I'd never expected Chad offers three way to a happy marrige couple!!! In fact, I expressed my surprise "WHAT?" XD
They were also very surprised and declined Chad's idea, therefore that turn them on! YAY!! How long haven't I seen them really passionate for each other? for ages!!! *L* Oh, yes. It was very obvious that they were excited!! And it was lovely and sweet as well but very funny moment is coming!! XD
Knock, knock.
When they heard someone knoching the door, they thought it is Chad. Kevin was hesitated only for 5 secounds and Scotty opened the door for welcoming Chad!
Gosh, it will be Kevin's first time of three way.;P

Do not forget guys, the rule of "B&S" is always someone of Walker family in troble... means "Damn, Sarah! again!?!?"
I felt sorry to Scotty and Kevin, they couldn't make love again because of Kevin's big sister Sarah. Poor Scotty. :(

At the end of the episode, of course they made up as always they do which is very sweet but I don't like they didn't kiss.
Okay, I do not doubt they had a great sex after back home!! XD

vid clip by cjordan1962

えーっと、Kevinの元彼であるChadが"Brother & Sisters"のS3に戻ってくるとは前々から知ってたんですが、まさかこんな形で現れるとは・・・・








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